Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Life in General

Well the last few days have been interesting, my pain level has been kinda high and of course no lidocaine this week as the Docs are away and I couldn't get an appointment. So next week's lido can't come fast enough. We have raised over $600 for the pain clinic so far - our friend and roommate kristen is running the North Shore half marathon and in doing so is raising money for the Surrey Memorial Hospital Pain Clinic that i go to on a weekly basis. So i am so greatful to all my friends and family that have donated.I am struggling between resting and sleeping  when i need to and also trying not to sleep my life away. I see Dr May Ong Oct 19th - and i will likely find out when i have to spend my three or so weeks at the hospital doing a medical detox under walking epidural, do whatever bowel tests i need and then go back on whatever meds i need to go home This is a requirement for TPN as well.. This is not something i am looking forward too but at the same time if there is potential that it will help me in some way then great! But hey you know how i don't like to miss having fun - and three weeks is a long time to not be having fun with my friends and family. Before we know it, it will be the xmas season - one of my favorite times of the year, i am praying that i won't be in the hospital then, i will ask that i not be in the hospital in December if possible. I am kinda hoping that i don't go till next year cause then i can get ready, buy some stuff for the hospital with my xmas or birthday money.Well that is all for today, off to the land of ZZZZ's for now...even if it drug induced. i have tea tomorrow with a dear elderly friend - i will bee back again soon!


  1. Hey Bee, glad to see that you are chatting in blog land! I know the upcoming medical adventures are not what you want to be looking forward to at Christmas but the journey unfolds on step at a time. Just get through today...remember that line! Just do today and don't forget to rest...it is what makes tomorrow available to you. Big Hugs!

  2. Thanks Mamma, lately i have been taking it hours at a time. And i am coming to terms with my hospital stay but like you say resting plays a big part so i have been behaving myself. This weeks seems to be dragging without my lidocaine but i will take it day by day.
    Love, Beesley
