Sunday, September 26, 2010

A moment of Peace

I am having a moment of inner peace and decided I wanted to share it with the world. Usually evenings  are difficult for me pain wise....and even though i don't feel great pain wise, my spirit is peaceful and strong right at this very moment. This moment is one of those almost perfect moments of reflection. Its pouring with rain outside and I can hear the rain pounding on the ground and the smell of fall is in the air. I got to spend some time with my parents and Adam (my husband) and Kristen (our friend and room mate) and it was great. I really appreciate all the time i get to spend with my family and friends.Especially my best friend and god kids (over the phone) I have such love and joy in my life and i am truly blessed in so many ways. I have incredible support.  I am sitting on my couch typing this, eating a low sugar ice cream bar at one am...(its not cheesecake but it will do)...i just threw in a load of laundry and I am watching a repeat episode of Grey's inspite of the pain,  life is good. I am thankful for this moment....I appreciate all the good ones, do my best to get threw all the hard ones cause sometimes i have to put my head in the sand and give up during the hard ones....but then I find a peaceful moment and start over and try again!


  1. Wish I was there for the peaceful moment! I'd have brought cheesecake for sure!! Don't worry I'll dig your head out of the sand that is what BFF's are for. Love ya!

  2. Thanks mamma that's one of the things that i count on your for LOL.
