Thursday, September 16, 2010

My First Whim!

Hi everyone, well my name is Lisa Armstrong and welcome to my Blog! My best friend Penny (or mamma as i call her) started a blog recently and encouraged me to do the same, so here i am. I am a photographer, a crafty person, housewife, and also due to medical circumstance a professional medical patient. Since i spend a lot of time at the Dr. and at the hospital i thought this blog would allow me to let everyone know how i am doing and not only will it be therapeutic for me but i won't have to repeat myself 10 times after everything that happens. I  can talk about my photography and share that as well as my beading and carving and just life in general.So put on your seat belts and hold on for life's ride.

1 comment:

  1. HI!!! Welcome to blog land! Nice green. Can't wait to see your pictures on your site! By the way there is a critical error in your favourite movies list.....Thelma and Louis is missing!!(Gasp!) Not only are we challenged but now we are missing in action!!!! Love ya!
